The Brave Action Series

The Brave Action Series

Here is the secret: bravery is not just about being ready to face and endure danger or pain.  

It is also about showing courage. Courage is our ability to do something that scares us. Taking action to reach our dreams is one of the most courageous things we can do, as this opens up our system to feel vulnerable and directly challenges our worst core beliefs. As long as we are taking steps to impact ourselves, others, and the world in a positive way, we are being brave. Courage derives from the old Latin word, cor, for heart. We cannot have courage without heart. It is courageous to listen to our heart’s desires without letting our mind’s negative beliefs shut us down. One cannot exist without the other. As Gandhi stated, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Even small actions in our lives are examples of bravery we should celebrate. 

Authenticity in Therapy

Authenticity in Therapy

Therapeutic rapport and authenticity are sometimes lost in our field amongst filing claims, treatment plans, writing notes, furthering training, making ends meet, etc. We can get lost in the day-to-day stressors. When starting our business, we can also make ourselves appeal to everyone, even if it drains our energy. Practicing therapy requires authenticity in the room. Authenticity bolsters the therapeutic relationship and furthers the connection so treatment can be done. Without a therapeutic relationship, the achievement of therapy goals halts. I have found that many professionals get too in their head or try to follow a specific protocol to the letter instead of going with their clinical judgment and their felt sense.

Who has a good dentist?

Who has a good dentist?

Those who are finally brave enough to confront their demons can be disheartened when they are sitting across someone who 1) should have never become a mental health professional or 2) is not a good therapeutic fit. Due to misconceptions and a lack of information, people often are not sure what to ask, what to expect, and what to look for when beginning counseling. I hope to establish a guide for those finally ready to start a counseling experience: including questions to ask, how to assess for fit, and red flags.  

Fall into Counseling

Fall into Counseling

However, while someone can make the courageous decision to take a step towards their mental health care, it may not be as simple as that.  The fact is that my daydream could not be further away from reality.  Mental health is not always accessible to everyone.  There barriers that exist that make it difficult to engage in counseling: from lack of knowledge to stigma within your community to economic burdens felt in inflation. I decided to put a compilation together of different resources one could go to if needed.”